As mental health practitioners, we know this time of year has a huge impact on many due to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression linked to changes in seasons and the lack of light that we take for granted at other times of the year.
The symptoms of SAD can be difficult and can have a devastating impact on the lives of some people, but they can be managed with the right strategies. Here are some tips to help brighten your mood during the darker months.
Maximise natural light. Spend time outside during the brightest parts of the day, even when it’s cloudy. You could also invest in a light therapy box which mimics natural daylight – daylight is known to help regulate your body’s internal clock. Use for 20–30 minutes each morning for best results.
Keep physically active. Stay active even when the weather doesn’t make you feel like doing much. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s feel good chemicals. Activities like running, yoga, or even a brisk walk down by the quayside can reduce symptoms of depression. For best results, choose something you enjoy and do it regularly.
Maintain a healthy routine. Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even at weekends. This will support your body’s circadian rhythm, regulating the energy you feel at different times in the day.
Eat nutrient-rich foods. Focus on eating more fruit, vegetables, and omega-3s, which are linked to improved mood.
Engage with others. Isolation can worsen the symptoms of SAD. Spend time with friends or join a group activity to stay socially engaged.
Managing SAD requires intentional self-care, but small, consistent efforts can make a significant difference. Embrace these strategies to thrive, even when the sun takes a seasonal break.